From Prehistoric Pottery to Modern Art
Maddie Millett is a modern alchemist transforming clay into extraordinary works of art. Inspired by the enigmatic beauty of ancient pottery, she explores the past to reveal timeless symbolism and craft.

By embracing the simplicity of form and the power of suggestion, Maddie Millett creates pieces that transcend time and culture.
Reimagining the Past: A Contemporary Ceramicist's Perspective
Drawn to the enigmatic allure of ancient pottery from the prehistoric era, Maddie Millett is captivated by a time beyond comprehension.
Inspired by these ancient symbols, such as the spiral, she reinterprets them to forge a connection with the past.
Honoring the reverence for the sacred feminine, the natural world, and the cyclical nature of life, Maddie seeks to revive qualities often undervalued in our modern world.
The Power of Simplicity: Minimalist Ceramic Sculptures

Each piece, a testament to the enduring power of human creativity, invites us to contemplate the mysteries of life, death, and the cyclical nature of existence.
Ceramic Art: Honoring Earth
Maddie Millett frequently creates figures with minimal features, often just eyebrows, a nose, or eyes, devoid of a mouth.
This minimalist approach echoes ancient funerary urns, where death is not depicted as a morbid event, but as an integral part of the life-death-rebirth cycle.
Rather than shunning death, our ancestors embraced it as a natural transition.
Her creative process is deeply intuitive and instinctive.
Rarely beginning with a preconceived plan, she prefers to let ideas flow organically as she engages with the clay in her studio.
Each piece is a collaborative effort between the artist and the clay itself, a testament to the spontaneous and unpredictable nature of the creative process.
Ancient Inspiration, Modern Creation

The spiral symbol in Maddie Millett's work represents the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. It connects her art to the past and emphasizes the continuous flow of existence.
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